Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Running Soup

A week after the Rotorua marathon my recovery has gone really well and I couldn’t be happier. I employed an ‘active recovery’ approach which began with a small trail run around the Blue Lake in Rotorua. Just ticking around this really made me upset that I haven’t, yet, run the Tarawera Ultra. The area seems incredible for trail running!

Blue Lake

So it was back down to Christchurch and onto the Ports for a lazy Monday couple of hours. My legs felt tender on the downs but good on everything else. Plenty of stretching, relaxed running sessions with no intensity, cold water bathing and eating good food saw me get to the start line of the New Balance 15km Road race.

I went into this race blind, no plan or goal time. If anything I was still buzzing from last weekend and saw it as a great mental test which I’m sure will be beneficial come Christchurch Marathon time. I was expecting the pace to be pretty rapid from the get go so quickly convinced myself to just try and hang on as long as possible. So I suppose that was my hastily thought of race plan. A group of 4 of us put a little bit of distance on the main bunch, this included Sam Wreford (great to see him back in NZ and in top nick), Nick Rennie and Dave Ridley. We ran together for a while until Sam and I put a little more distance on them. I tried to stick with Sam for as long as I could but he edged further and further away from me. By the end of the first lap he was clear by 30-40 seconds. I kept pushing hard through each km but gradually my legs seemed to get very tired. Anyway, I got home in just under 48 mins for the 15km. A solid hit out post Rotorua and really pleased with how it all panned out.

After this it was a quick change at home and into Hagely Park to watch the NZ 100km Championships. I’d been keeping an eye on with its live updates so had an idea of what was happening. Down there it was great, little 2km loop course which housed competitors tents, food and aid stations as they went by. Great performances by all who competed and in particular Marty Lukes who brought it home in just over 7 hours. Also Glenn Sutton, who won the Northburn 100 mile, only about 5 weeks before, coming home in 3rd. I always gain loads of inspiration from events and athletes like this so it was great to get there, support and hang out!

This weekend Rose and I are up to Blenheim with Jess and Duncan as we are in the half marathon around the Saint Clair Vineyard. Rose and Jess are in their first ½ and we’ll be supporting them through it. This is going to be great and I also saw that it’s a full on sell-out, 2000 people, look out Blenheim. They haven’t seen the likes since the late 90’s and infamous Marist Div 2 end of year bus tours.

Saint Clair Vineyard

From around the region this week and upcoming weekend:

Leeston Wednesday Night Road Runners, Leeston, Canterbury.

Parkrun, in Wellington but love the concept of these, they have really taken off in other parts of the world. It would be great if they worked here too.

Saint Clair Vineyard ½ Marathon. I’ll be there, as a supporter and encourager!

Mother’s Day Fun Run in Kaiapoi

Few stats from the week:
Distance: 103
Time: 8 hours 40 mins

Enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. I just signed up for parkrun near where I am in Sydney. Gonna go along tomorrow. Should be fun!!
