Monday, 9 July 2012

M o v i n g f o r w a r d -------

Ages since my previous post, when I’m not running life isn’t that interesting! Not all true, this enforced layoff has been positive but too long. Unfortunately it’s going to continue for a lot longer. Last Friday I went to get a scan on my Glutes, Bursa and Hamstring. This all being a new experience for me, it was quite interesting. As exciting and interesting as it was, the news was not so. The scan revealed a torn Gluteus Minimus. So around a month after the Christchurch Marathon I now know what the problem is. 

We have a starting point and this gives me a massive sense of relief. It’s kind of like having some form of closure. There’s no more looking back to see what I did or did not do, or even could have done. Now it’s all forward.  I’ve heard that I could be looking at 3 months before I get back into regular mileage. However, I’m attempting to keep my focus on a week to week basis and recently there have been positive improvements in terms of soreness and flexibility. I have been stretching my arse off! Small targets and gains are the focus.

I’ll let you into a couple of changes I’ve made due to this injury and on some sound advice from Blair at Tower Junction Physio.

1)      Foam Roller: The first week was so awful (by awful I mean painful). I put this down to my low pain tolerance levels (softer than butter). Once that initial shock was over and the pins got accustomed to the roller it really started to get the business done. Now I kind of enjoy the routine I have going on.
2)      Consistent stretch routine: I love running, straight up! Makes me a better person. Not being able to do it because of an injury sucks! This year my stretching began really well and tailed off until BANG! No more running! Lesson learnt, let’s hope so. I’m keeping this period of time locked in my internal memory bank for that morning, afternoon or evening when I’m rushed or lazy and can’t be bothered stretching. Over the past 2 weeks I’ve really noticed a difference in my overall flexibility. Cheers stretching!
3)      Strengthening: Generally I’m quite diligent with this area of my running. Twice a day after each run I pop in a quick 10 minute routine. But I think it ran its course and a change was really needed. This has been thrown in the washing machine for a tidy up!

Now I know what the problem is the specific stretching and exercises are really attacking it. Before the scan I still had no idea what the issue was so I was still doing particular exercises that were making matters worse. But as I mentioned before that’s in the past now, I’m looking forward!

Next Friday we leave on the way to South Korea (via London for catching up with friends and family and a bit of Olympic action) to start up another Island experience! There are some very sweet races around Asia and I’m planning to be mixing it up as much as possible. Due to the geography of our Island (very hilly terrain) I’m thinking of refocusing on the longer distance races for the next two years. There are a couple of running tracks close by but the idea of running around a track 4-5 times a week doesn’t appeal! I don’t think I’ll be racing before Christmas but beyond this the possibilities seem ace! Mt Fuji Ultra, Lantau 50 in Hong Kong, North Face 100, China and a multitude of other delights. Hard not to get a little giddy with the opportunities! If I get through these two years then we’ll see how they have gone and take it from there.

With this ‘idle’ time I’ve been getting through a couple of good reads - Robbie McEwen’s book and Eddie Merckx. Top reads both of them, even if you aren’t a fan of the spinning wheels. There’s enough that transcends both sports to really keep you interested and it’s a fantastic insight to the cycling world. Now I’m in the middle of Scott Jurek’s Eat and Run, very good thus far!

Lastly I want to thank Adidas NZ for their amazing support this year. I’ve been so lucky to be able to wear their top kit and it saddens me to say that we have recently parted ways. As I’m leaving the country they will continue to support local runners, which puts me out of their target. Top people, top gear and good times!

Few snaps of recent trips away!
Morning routine now I'm not running

Easiest session with views like this

Ollie loves his bedtime stories and Vo2 Max fix

Kiwi styles

 Heads up always!   

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