Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Pre Rotorua Marathon

I’ve nearly finished Peter Snell’s book, No Bugles No Drums. I’m just past the point in which he wins the 800m and 1500m double at Tokyo. This has to be, if not the best,  one of the best sporting moments in NZ’s history. In predicting the story, I’m interested to see how his running evolves or adapts over the next few months, post Olympics. I’m sure we’ve all had the ‘post event blues’ and wondered how we would ever get back into the routine of training. This is also a major goal of mine for the year and with Rotorua only a couple of sleeps away this time next week my goal should be fully into action. Peter Snell said in his book that after the Olympics he felt shattered. He ran 6 races in 8 days, which in any competition would blow most out of the water, let alone in the Olympics. But we all know that success breeds enthusiasm and determination to achieve more. You run a solid race and it keeps the energy levels and confidence going for another month or so. However when the scale of something is as big as an Olympics and we’re talking about 4 years of work then the hill must be much steeper to climb back up.

My scale is very small in comparison but to combat the ‘blues’ I’ve looked far ahead and mapped out the running year through to the middle of August. It felt good, bloody good! Being a teacher I suppose I am partial to some planning from time to time as ‘winging’ it in front of the chalk face is not really my style.

So for Saturday I really want to do justice to the work I’ve put into my training. I find with marathons the controllable factors are many and when you hit the start line well aware of the mileage you have completed and the work you’ve done then it’s a case of controlling your splits, being relaxed, focused and really enjoying the moment.  The 42 clicks roll over very quickly so staying in that moment I find critical to your overall success, whatever it may be!

Anyway, can’t wait for Saturday, even a couple of brews in the evening!

Good luck to everyone competing around the country this weekend, especially in Rotorua whatever the distance and the folks down south churning up the Routeburn Classic. Check out The Backcountry Runner for a great race preview, field looks to be out of this world!!!

Touch base post Rotorua and no blues!  


  1. Hope you enjoyed a couple of brews after the stellar effort Blair!

    1. Thanks Kate, it would be fair to say that a couple were consumed!
