Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Short taunts

There is an on-going theme/joke/discussion among some of my friends based around the length of running shorts. Some like them long, others short and others swing between both. Fair enough really as the sport isn’t a fashion statement and ultimately it should come down to comfort and practicality. When thinking back about this I looked at where I began. Long. Now I’ve evolved, adapted, whatever you could call it. Much shorter is my general approach now. Recently I’ve copped a little abuse, not from friends, from passengers in cars. Well only two incidents. The first was shorts related and the second, this evening, was a previously unheard ‘ginger’ taunt. This I’ll put down as not shorts related. The driver of this Subaru station wagon yelled ‘gingers have no soul’. Odd thing to yell when driving? Now I’ve been dealt a couple of ginger taunts, it comes with the territory. They are used as talking points with some of the lads on a long run or cycle. But this new ‘soul’ or ‘apparent lack of it’ taunt is fresh. As normally people associate it (being ginger) with anger, quick to charge or fired up. Similar characteristics of the mountain biker on the Port Hills recently, however he didn’t seem to be ginger. Strange???

Off running, not that I’ve been on it, and to cycling….just for a minute. Paris Roubaix. I need to be careful with my words here as to not give any disrespect to the cycling community and other races I may not know of but what a day in the saddle this is. Tom Boonen simply floated over the cobbles and made the rest of the peloton look like a bunch of juniors. Such a great example of picking the moment and just having the confidence in your own ability and strength to smash the job out! Watching this was a real treat.
Here are some highlights that I found pretty sweet, sorry about the language!

This weekend I’m up around Motueka for the Mountain Running Champs. Really excited about this and glad I decided to enter. It’s one of those things that down the line I would have really regretted not being part of it. No start list has been released so going in blind is even more exciting. I will report back next week about the race. After this I’m off to Queenstown for a quick turn around, and into tour guide for some friends. Taking my running shoes for sure but will have to keep the hand break on as Rotorua follows in less than 2 weeks!

Avg Distance:14.08 km
Avg Time:1:01:55 h:m:s
Count:12 Activities
Distance:168.99 km
Time:12:58:58 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:2,245 m
Avg HR:139 bpm
Calories:8,191 C
Max HR:187 bpm
Avg Elevation Gain:187 m
Max Time:2:10:53 h:m:s   

And in the region this week:

Leeston Wednesday Night Road Runners, Leeston, Canterbury

It’s great seeing plenty of people out on the trails and tracks at the moment. I was around Hagley Park Monday morning and it’s as busy as ever and around the hills too. Hope it’s everyone getting the early base mileage in for the Christchurch Marathon!


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